Betta with Velvet?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 25, 2017
1 - Betta fish, yellow-goldish dust over scales, scales kind of matte looking instead of shiny, swimming slower
2 -- The temp is 77 degrees Fahrenheit and he currently needs a water change. I don't know any other parameters because I'm a bad fish mom.

3 -- the tank is a 5.5 gallon tank with a heater and a filter (I'm not THAT bad a fish mom). It's been set up since 2014. I believe I started cycling it March and introduced the fish mid-May

4 -- my filter is a TopFin 10 gallon filter - I think it's the SilentStream

5 -- he's the only fish in the tank
6 -- I'm not sure when the last time a water change was done but I'm guessing by the condition of his tank it was probably about a month ago. I was gone away for school and couldn't bring my poor boy with me. Left him in the care of my mother (yeah, bad idea). She only takes out about half the water for each change and rinses down the filter, heater, and decorations. I'm unsure if she vacuumed the gravel at all... though I certainly told her to.

7 - I've had this boy since summer 2014. He's always thrived and been energetic in my tanks so I was shocked to come home and see him looking so sad. I cycled the new tank for a little over a month before I moved him into it. Introduced him to the new water slowly, over the period of an hour or so. He made me a bubble nest almost immediately.
8 - nothing new! I think that may be the problem. Some of the decor was used for other betta fish that I no longer have in THEIR tanks
9 - I feed him betta pellets and tropical fish flakes. There's been no diet change. I give occasional blood worms.

So I went away for four months to school and couldn't bring Captain with me due to time and space... not to mention the 10ish hour drive he'd have to endure. I left him in the care of my mother, and he seemed to be doing fine (she sent me picture updates!) but I got home a couple days ago to see... dull, matte scales, fins close to the body, slower swimming and disinterest in people approaching his tank (unusual because he likes to come up and see visitors!) and a strange, yellow-gold sheen over his body. I know he's getting old but I'd rather he die of old age than parasites - that sounds terrible.

According to my bit of research, I THINK he has velvet. I also found that a treatment plan via google:
lower lights, higher temperature, aquarium salt, and malachite green.

I don't trust google THAT much so I thought I'd ask some people who know fish :fish1:
Any help would be appreciated! :thanks:
I've never had to deal with velvet but I would think it is unlikely if not introduced by another fish. Most likely poor water conditions over time caused a bacterial infection... Keep the water pristine, treat with prime and maybe try some melafix?
Well like many pathogens it could be present without effecting the fish until stress (from the poor conditions) weakened his immune system and left him vulnerable. So it could be velvet even without a new addition introducing it.

When your mother rinsed the filter did she use tap water? Could be he’s been dealing with mini cycles for months.

You really do need to test your water parameters ASAP I wouldn’t be surprised if your tank is cycling again.

Also if you don’t know when the last time maintenance was done you need to watch out for water changes stressing him out. You need to get him into clean water but be gentle about it. Maybe drip the new water in or start with a couple smaller changes before doing a big one.

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