I have a problem...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 10, 2011
So I have MTS and strict rules that no more tanks are allowed. So I need to decide on what to stock the ones I have with....
25 Tall: 2 African Leaf Fish, 1 Bushy Nose Pleco, and 1 banjo cat. I want to add an American flag fish
20 long: I have nothing in it now. I have had a few ideas. Breed some Kribs. A school of glass cats. Or some nanos. It is not going to be cleaned often. I set it up for some plants mostly. It has a gravel, floramax, and ecocomplet substrate.
36 bowfront: Has some rcs and danios that are being rehomed. Not sure what I want in this one. I will have Nanos in one tank or another though as they are my favorite.

Suggestions anyone?
Thanks and God bless!
Your lucky Im only allowed to have a 25,15,1.5 So many things you could do with those tanks first I suppose you need to figure out if you want a big fish or many schooling fish. And go on from there.
For the 20 long, I would add a German blue ram( or Bolivian) 5 neon tetras, Cory cats, and Otto cats
I have a 55, 29, 2.5
I am complaining because I want a 55, 75 or 90 as well lol. I'd preferably like to get a 125, move fish from the 110 to the 125, and have the open 110. I might be able to fit another 50 or 75 in my current residence. But that's it unless I want to do a 5 gallon or two.
lol yall are nuts! So I went to the LFS and he gave me some ideas. So to help narrow down our options alittle I will post some of the ideas I have (Goldfish loach boy one of your ideas made it). So here it is and then yall tell me what your thoughts are and we can go from there!
By tank:
36 bowfront: 2 African Leaf Fish, 1 bristlenose pleco, 1 banjo catfish (maybe 2), 2 Bolivian Rams, a yellow eel (no idea thats what my LFS called it. He said like 6-8 in max), and maybe some cories? Open to ideas but I already have the first 3 :)

25 Tall: A bunch of shrimp and scarlet badis with maybe some pygmy cories. Maybe some chili rasbora too who knows. Oh yea and my moth catfish.

20 Long Curviceps. Like 2. And panda garras maybe to eat algae.

Alright ever body throw out some ideas and thoughts!
Friend of mine has chili rasboras, now he calls them rasboring.. because they are so shy. I have some too, but they are very young, so I never see them either. Remains to be seen if they get bolder as they get bigger, though of course they are tiny guys. I got a dozen to see if numbers help them feel braver.
I like Celestial Pearl Danios, the boys are gorgeous, the girls not bad, and nice small fish. Glowlight Danio another fave, smaller than most danios, and also Beckfords' pencil fish. They are neat, boys have hot red fins that really glow when they are dancing for each other. Girls pretty plain, but the boys make up for it and well suited to planted tanks, it gives them a break from seeing each other all the time. Best to have two males to 4 or 5 females.
Also like lambchop rasbora, colour like a brand new penny with the black chop on the side.
And I wish Endler females were not so boring, because the boys are gorgeous. But they breed like the guppies they are related too, and you get about 1 boy to every 9 girls. sigh..
Yay nice to hear on the 36!

Once you get the idea of the Bolivian, I would add a German blue or gold
Great ideas! So before I can do anything though I have to get rid of this blue green algae (stripping both tanks this weekend) and then I can get things rolling! On a side note I noticed several red cherry shrimplets in my tank today. It is strange because I never saw any berried shrimp.....
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