Kuhli loach and Ropefish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 28, 2011
I have a 55 gallon tank that has a product called cichlid stones all through it (they are rocks that are completly holled out for the cichlids). I have 6 Zebra cichlids. The cichlids can fit in between most of the rocks but some of the spots they can not fit (only about 1/2" space in some areas) I also have a rope fish (it LOVES being able to go around and hide in all the rocks)

I want to get a bottom dweller/scavanger to help eat any left over food (cichlid flakes) the rope fish will not eat them since he eats mostly live food blood worms being fav.

I'd like bottom dweller to be small enough to fit in between rocks to eat food that has fallin there. I was looking at kuhli loaches, since they seem perfect for the job. I know rope fish can eventuly eat earth worms. Would he also be able to eat kuhli loaches? Hes only about 7" right now, if he could eat them could he do it at this size? if not what size til he could?

If he can eat them, is there any other scavanger you can think of that i could use?
I would be worried about the cichlids eating the kuhlies. Honestly, once those africans get large, there might not be much that they won't kill or maim. I've seen common plecos (at least 12 inches long) in with africans and they have been beat to heck and are missing eyes.

Kuhlies are not suggested for any of the more aggressive species of cichlids anyways.
How to care for your new kuhli loaches, acanthophthalmus kuhli, with pictures
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