live food

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 22, 2014
Anyone ever give mosquito larva to their fish? Is this OK for them?Should this be considered a treat to the fish? My son gave 3 to his mollies and he is concerned maybe he shouldn't have. Any info on this is a great help.
I have read of people raising them just to feed to their fish.

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Mosquito larva are a great live food. Just make sure that they all get eaten. :eek:

The picture shows the egg packages of mosquito Culex pipiens. They are found in water barrels. It can also be seen the small hatched mosquito larvae.
It is a very good feed for young fish.
Insect larvae and drowned insects are the normal feed in the tropics.
Daphnia rare.
I take this opportunity each summer.
It does no harm.
Other mosquito larvae are produced in hatcheries (Singapore). If alive sent by plane. Genus Cironomus. Have a red color and the mosquitoes can not bite.
Fish love them. I use to collect them out of water pockets around the house and feed them to my dwarf puffers at the time.
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