Oranda growth rate

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Aug 9, 2012
Hello all, I have a blind Oranda in a 35 with a Cory n a angel, it's not overcrowded and they get along fine (all eat healthy amounts of food) so if u have any suggestions on tank setup I thank you for your infinite wisdom of fish habitats but please keep it to yourself for this thread :) My question regards growth rate, my Oranda, named Patches O'Hullihan by the late great dodgeball enthusiast has been in my company for around 4 months, he (I think it's a he) has grown about double what he was when bought, about 2 inches now I'm wondering approximately when he will reach full size. Also his wen hasn't started to show yet is this a problem? Or just a genetically smaller when? O and an important note, I bought him with one eye and after about a month he got in a scrap with another goldy, who ripped the other eye out, needless to say I was rather pissed at the comet responsible so I gave him away, I thought patches would be dead in a week but he kept truckin like a boss and now both eye sockets are healed over
Yea so both eyes healed over with no infections, the on eyeball was dangling out of the socket for a few days too! Pretty gruesome, but anyways my question is would his missing eyesight effect the growth of his wen because the eyeballs aren't there to hold it all poofy on his head or something? Just curious, and yes even though he's blind he still finds food on the bottom very easily and I haven't moved the ornaments around at all since his eyesight lose so that he doesn't get all confused in an environment he's not used to
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For their first 2 (or so) years of life until reaching sexual maturity, you should expect your oranda to keep doubling in size every 2-3mths as long as he is getting sufficent food and protein. Diet and LOTS & LOTS of water changes/adequate water will be the two main issues driving his growth. Once he reaches sexual maturity, his growth will slow way down but not completely stop. The world record holder fancy is an oranda named Bruce sized over 15inches. He is rumored to be over 17inches now (Giant goldfish swims into the record books | News | Practical Fishkeeping ).

Wen development is part genetics and part diet. Increasing his daily fresh proteins such as bloodworms, human shrimp/fish & soft bugs will help with wen development. A quality fish food along with daily veggies will help as well (such as Hikari Lionhead or Saki formula). He shouldnt be eating flakes/tropical fish food. The lack of eyeballs will have no impact on wen development. Many wen goldies actually need their wens trimmed so they can see and swim. Please ask if you have any questions!
Ok thanks, well geez I've been feeding him tropical colour enhancing flakes, shrimp/ chiclid pellets, frozen blood worms, cut up earthworms, shrimp chunks, and the odd freeze dried blood worm his whole life.... That ok?
Switch him to quality sinking goldfish pellet (saki or lionhead) and skip the freeze dried stuff- no nutriton. I would also offer him daily veggies in addition to his regular food & fresh protiens. :)
Thanks I will, I threw in a cucumber but he only eats things off the bottom usually
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