Switching from hard to soft water?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 23, 2011
So now that winter has arrived here where I live, I no longer can use my outside day faucet for my water. That's the only water at my house that doesn't go through our water softener. If I slowly did smaller water changes to switch over to the softened water do you think that'd work out?
I know soft water pH flucuates a lot more, and doesn't have the nutrients that hard water provides. I just don't know what else I could do. For fish I've got tetras, cories and danios.
The water that passes through a softener, has the calcium removed but still has dissolved minerals as well as all the sodium that replaced the cacium, so it isn't soft like RO water. it likely has a higher TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) than the unsoftened water. Lots of people use it without issue, but I would be looking for a way to bypass the softener, perhaps by adding a tap.
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