Tankmates for an African Butterfly Fish

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 12, 2004
Orange County, NY

I'm still putting ideas together for my 37g freshwater tank. Not sure where I'm going yet but I've stumbled upon an African Butterfly Fish that seems interesting.

What tankmates would you suggest if I picked one of these up? I've read he likes to eat fish that can fit in his mouth, would this include some of the larger Tetras (not neon's)? Would he nip at larger fish like an Angel? He likes to live at the top right, so probably would leave Molly's and such alone for the most part?

Try some of the Ctenopoma or gouramis....only tetras like congos would be safe with him (he will get to 4", and has a bigger mouth than you might imagine).
Hi, thanks for the reply.

How do you think they will do with some angels? Are they nippers?

I'm thinking if they don't nip then they will do alright as angels get as big or bigger than the butterfly.
Hmm, probably not the best bet then. I think my tank will be an angel tank, unless I happen upon another shopiece fish I like.
Try keeping a Bushy Nose Pleco and some loaches as a clean up crew, angels like a big tasll tank, and can nip fins, I might not go with an angel but that is JMO

Dan :)
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