Tiger barbs

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Feb 7, 2013
Perth, Australia
Not sure what to do with this lot. About 7 remaining. Lost quite a few to bacterial tail infection before Xmass. Difficult to treat or catch in planted tank. Nippy lot.

Thinking either try buying 10 or give up and get some other barbs. Any ideas on other barbs that might go with tiger barbs ok?
I had 8 tiger barbs and 8 ruby barbs, they are usually okay in schools of about 8-10 to stop them being aggressive, I also had a few tetra and some molly and guppies in with them, never had any issues [emoji2369]
Not sure this will help but I’d go with more tiger barbs. Ruby barbs are pretty nice looking though I’m into a one species tank thing. I have 12 tiger barbs in a 40 breeder and might get a few more. This is my first experience with barbs, for the most part everything is cool in the tank except one male that disrupts the bunch.
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I read your Entire thread on your 150 gallon tank its very interesting how you have progressed over the years your thread was very entertaining and you were admant on not leaving anything in the tank the way it is for more than a week it seems Lol it seemed like christmas was every 100 posts. cheers and tiger barbs have large scalles and are very shiny i think they would provide faster movement for your tank even though congos are pretty they dont pace back and forth like tigers. tiger barbs swim back and forth like tigers awaiting a meal.
I think you should get more tiger barbs, too. I was charmed when you referred to them as "the little nippy darlings!" in another thread, and I think you possess the special patience and affection for them that the little nippy darlings need and deserve.
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