Aquarium Advice Addict
I'm upgrading and overhauling my tank and am planning out the new stocking plan for the larger space. New tank will either be a 65g with a 29g sump or an all-in-one tank/sump combo like a Waterbox 100.3 or similar. I've sanity checked my stocking plan in AqAdvisor, but wanted to run it by people here who have real life experience with Rainbow Sharks since that would be the only spot I think I could see some territorial issues with.
1 Rainbow Shark
1 Albino Bristlenose Pleco
6 Albino Cories (Corydoras aeneus)
12 Zebra Danios
12 White Skirt Tetras
10 Tiger Barbs
I've kept a Red Tailed Black Shark before but not a Rainbow Shark. Are they just as territorial with other bottom dwellers, or are they a little more chill? The cories are the primary ones I'm concerned about, as I'm pretty sure the pleco can handle a shark without issues, especially if the shark is added last after everyone else is established. I plan on having LOTS of underground tunnels & caves lining the tank (going with a volcano themed aquascape, so really leaning into the lava tubes against the glass style decor), so there will be no shortage of hiding places and broken lines of sight.
Does this look doable?
1 Rainbow Shark
1 Albino Bristlenose Pleco
6 Albino Cories (Corydoras aeneus)
12 Zebra Danios
12 White Skirt Tetras
10 Tiger Barbs
I've kept a Red Tailed Black Shark before but not a Rainbow Shark. Are they just as territorial with other bottom dwellers, or are they a little more chill? The cories are the primary ones I'm concerned about, as I'm pretty sure the pleco can handle a shark without issues, especially if the shark is added last after everyone else is established. I plan on having LOTS of underground tunnels & caves lining the tank (going with a volcano themed aquascape, so really leaning into the lava tubes against the glass style decor), so there will be no shortage of hiding places and broken lines of sight.
Does this look doable?