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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 11, 2013
10 gallon tank, 1 Dwarf Gourami, 7 Glowlight tetras. Before you attack me about stocking, aqadvisor or the calculator thing said I have 66% stocking and 155% filtration. I'm not necessarily looking for more fish (though would love it), but shrimp and other smaller critters as well. The tanks is heavily planted with java fern, has driftwood and rocks, a ph around 7.6, and it about 78 degree F.
First of all, you don't need to get annoyed when people "attack you" about stocking. If you joined this website then you clearly want to get advice from others and that is a good sign as it means you care about your fish. If people ever tell you that your tank is overstocked though, and you shouldn't get any more fish, then you should really take their advice, because I can bet my bottom dollar they'll be right.

Also, even though Aqadvisor says that doesn't necessarily make it correct - and the site acknowledges that when it says this as a footnote at the bottom of the site:

"We highly recommend you to do further research, discuss results on your favorite aquarium forums and websites. Your favorite aquarium forums won't necessarily endorse or agree with the recommendations reported by AqAdvisor.com. Use AqAdvisor.com to get general stocking recommendations but do your own research BEFORE buying any species. We highly recomend that new tropical fish keepers understock (less than 100%) their aquarium tanks."

But anyway, in this case, you probably could add another couple of smaller fish. I'd go for 1-3 small livebearers such as guppies or swordtails if I were you. Or you could go down the shrimp route, but that could be risky with the fish you chose. Your tank sounds like it will provide some good hiding places for the shrimp though so it could work, but beware that others may advise against it.

Good luck!
Personally I wouldn't add other fish but if you wanted to try shrimp I would advise to get a couple cheap Ghost shrimp and try them out. Then if all goes well for a month or so you could get another type of shrimp (but be aware Ghost Shrimp can and will often snack on smaller shrimp). One thing about Swordtails is that they actually can get very large. I've seen males 5+ inches. They also have a high bio-load which isn't good for a small tank.
Thanks guys. I didnt mean I got annoyed when people attacked me, but over at Fishlore (I love the place, dont get me wrong) I asked the same question, and everyone started telling me I should rehouse my Dwarf Gourami into a 20 gallon and other stuff. DGs have a minimum tank size of 5 gallons, and I have a single male in my 10 gallon. He does wonderfully. Back on subject, I would love ghost shrimp, but the two fish places around me sell the longer clawed type that really isnt ghost shrimp and has been known for grab and attack fish.

So, would 2 or 3 guppies work? If they mated, the other fish could eat their babies (sounds a bit demented of me to consider that a positive...)

EDIT: Aqadvisor says 3 guppies would overstock me (101%) and make me underfiltrated. However, 3 endlers livebearers would still have me low (80% stock) and about 140% filtrated.
Endlers are a good choice for 10g tanks as they are quite small especially the males. You would need to be sure to have some floating or planted water sprite for the endlers. I have endlers but never kept them with a DG. I believe with enough planted cover they should do fine. You could do a male and 2 female Endlers but then IMO your at your stocking limit and would have to keep up on WC's and filtration.
The problem with the DG and Endler guppies would be how your DG deals with the male Endlers. I was able to have a beta with Endlers with no problem. If you have that ability, it's works out great and Endlers breed like crazy (and don't eat their young) and the DG will help control the population of your Endlers. If you want, you can catch the young Endlers and keep them in a unheated tank. Not recommended but the heat just adds to their ability to spawn quickly. They still breed without heat but do it more slowly.
Are they similar to glowlights? Because my DG never bothers them at all.
Yeah, I suppose they're a bit similar to Glowlights. I suppose it depends on what kind of personality your DG has, but I think you're good to go. :)

"Thanks guys. I didnt mean I got annoyed when people attacked me, but over at Fishlore (I love the place, dont get me wrong) I asked the same question, and everyone started telling me I should rehouse my Dwarf Gourami into a 20 gallon and other stuff. DGs have a minimum tank size of 5 gallons, and I have a single male in my 10 gallon. He does wonderfully."

No Problem! And Yeah, I didn't think you did. And lol, yeah - some people do have a habit of being quite harsh in regards to stocking. But your male is definitely fine in a 10gallon as you say! :)
Are they similar to glowlights? Because my DG never bothers them at all.

I never had glowlights, so I'm not sure. I had beta, 3 Cory cats, and Endlers. I got the beta for population control but then had the bright idea of getting pond snails which lead eventually lead to the demise of my beta.
I never had glowlights, so I'm not sure. I had beta, 3 Cory cats, and Endlers. I got the beta for population control but then had the bright idea of getting pond snails which lead eventually lead to the demise of my beta.

If you dont mind me asking...how?

What kind of DG did u get I have a sunset and he has recently discovered my myrio red tuburculatum taste good.
Beta's are technically gouramis. The pond snail eggs that are produced are very sticky and if the beta ate the eggs, which it did, it eventually bloated and died. However, the fry created from the Endlers are small enough where the beta ate them when he was hungry.
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