What to feed Platys?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 10, 2010
So we got a few platys, that and ghost shrimp in the tank.

What should we be feeding the platys and the shrimp?

Platys will eat flakes as well as blanched veggies , peas, etc. They'll no doubt enjoy frozen bloodworms too.
I primarily feed mine flakes, but I also give them peas.
Flakes and bloodworms are the way to go. I'd recommend Sera San flake food. It's color and growth enhancing food that does a wonderful job on my rainbows.
Variety of flakes, frozen food and veggies. Make sure the the diet include bloodworms (frozen or freeze-dried are fine) and algae flakes or pellets. Bloodworms are necessary for platties long-term health.
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