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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 1, 2003
Is there a particular snail that would be good at getting green algae specks off the glass in the tank?
I don't know if there are any snails that will handle the tough, green spot algae. It is very firmly attached and is often too hard for fish and inverts to get. I use a scraper, since my army of snails does not do a thing with it!
Get one of those scrappers with the longer handle. They tend to be good at getting that really tough stuff.
Bearfan said:
Careful with a razor blade around your seals.

There are no seals in my tank... it's freshwater and small.

HAHAHAHA... j/k I've had some wine tonight

My snails have yet to remove this, neither has the pleco. I have a small bit of it on the upper left wall of my 90 gallon. But, since I put the snails in, the 'infestation' has not grown larger.
Seems like the specks represent the algae that all of my plecos and snails don't really "enjoy" eating, they prefer fresher algae on the rocks or something. So my glass is usually pretty clean, but usually has little specks everywhere if you look close. Meanwhile the plecos are all busy eating other stuff.

I always use a razor blade now, because I scratched the glass on my SW with a magnetic scrubber. I washed it first and everything but there was a hidden sharp grain of sand. SKREEEEK!!! Auuugh!

And into the dumpster it went... clunk.
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