Solar Flare DX 224 (24inch)

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 26, 2012
New Jersey
So I got solar flare dx lights to start my tank. There are 24 3w LEDs (18 white 6 blue) I can't find much review on them and am not sure if they have enough power for my 54 corner tank. I'm not positive but I think they put out around 74 watts. If anyone has any information on these lights or could let me know if they are powerful enough for corals it would be greatly appreciated.
The LEDs should penetrate pretty deep, but you may not be happy with the color it puts out, it's going to be pretty white and you won't get that "pop" out if your corals that most people like.
Ya I wasn't trying to break the bank with these lights so I didn't go crazy. They look good but I just wasn't sure if they were strong enough. Even though they might not have the best appearance, do you think they will easily support corals?
Have you bought them already? If not we can point you to some cheaper/better spectrum options. You should definitely be good for softies and lps though.
Ya I actually got them awhile ago, as long as they can support softies and lps I'm happy with them for now. I definitely want to get a pendulum light as an upgrade in the future, it would be great for above a corner tank. Thanks for the help!!!!
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