10 gallon ideas. Yes, another tank.

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jun 16, 2011
Ok, im definitely getting ambitious here. so far i have 25 gallon, a 20 gallon, a 29 gallon, a betta tank, and hopefully a 40 breeder in december. not to mention the QT tanks and fry/breeding tank. but i figured a 10 gallon for my parents' anniversary wouldnt hurt. or maybe its just my excuse for another tank. any stocking ideas? never kept a 10 gallon community before. im thinking a beta as a centerpiece, then a loose school of 3 fish, and a shrimp. not sure if theres any more room. any suggestions for the school of 3?
I think there's a good chance the betta would eat the shrimp.

Of course it really depends on the personality of the individual betta, but you won't really know it wouldn't work until after the shrimp is already eaten.

Maybe male endlers and shrimp?
in a 10g ive got a betta, 4 pygmy cories, 2 danios and 2 white clouds ( i realize the danios and clouds need a bigger tank so dont tell me)

and all my fish get along fine and there are no issues
I have 2 betas each in their own 5 gallon with ghost shrimp, never even notice the shrimp. Get along great.
update! :)
Im thinking 3 american flag fish, a betta, and 4 pygmy corys. unsure whether or not i should get amanos...
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