Tetras and Platys No Longer Going to Top to Eat

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 31, 2017
I upgraded from a small 5 gallon tank to a 20 gallon hex tank (it is tall). Previously my tetras and platys would go right to the surface to eat (I feed fish flakes). Since upgrading, they swim at mid level but either don't see or ignore the flakes at the top, and just try to catch sinking food, or eat off the bottom.

Should I be concerned? How do I know if they are getting enough food? Should I change what I am feeding them?

As long as they're eating I wouldn't be worried. Hex, cube, or column tanks are so hard to stock because of their footprint, example imagine a telephone booth Vs. a regular room. Was thinking of getting one for nano fish, but getting a 40 breeder instead because with the added length (swimming room) I can put just about any fish.

Probably because of the tanks shape, they will either get used to it a d go to the top eventually or keep eating in the middle.
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