Total Newbie

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 3, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
Hello everyone!!
Wow this forum is so informative!!
Well, I recently inherited a 100 gallon tank and I am very interested in getting started in this wonderful hobby.

Please excuse me for any ignorance on my part, I just really want to get started on the right foot.

I will be heading out to the local bookstore to get some books on starting my tank...but is there anyone out there with any additional advice that they could give a newbie?? I was thinking of eventually getting some ciclids in there...but for now, the only thing I have is the tank and the stand.

Anyways, any advice would be very appreciated...thanks for listening! :D
Welcome to AA !! :smilecolros:

I love Cichlids they are one of my fav freshwater species. I like African Cichlids most of all. Did you get a heater and filter with the tank. If not I can say that undergravel filters do not work very well with Cichlids. And with Most african Cichlids the pH needs to be higher than most FW tanks. I have "Cichlid Mix Sand" I think I picked it up at my LFS for 15$ for a 20lbs. bag, anyways that is what i have in my Cichlid tank and it sets the pH and as many times as I have tested it, is is still the same. And they love to play around in it. Everyday when I get home from work the tank looks different from them digging up and burrowing. It is cool to watch.

If you do go with the Cichlids here are a few of my fav sites, you can see which ones you like and see if they will be compatable with each other. Some of them can get quite nasty and mean. (O:

I hope this gives you some info. and feel free to ask any questions/concerns that you might have. There are a lot of wonderful and helpful members here. :D

And again Welcome!!
wish i had a 100 gallon tank for my clown loaches already so i wouldnt have to worry them growing out of this tank :oops: loaches are awesome but you should do some research before buying them like i should've!
Clown Loaches are Awsome. I havn't had any but would love to get some. My wife is freaked out by them.LOL yet she is fine with my Eels> what is up with that..LOL
LOL I have had some of them she didn't like them for some reason. I think it is the way there faces look..LOL...but I have bad luck with Kuhli's ): i always lose them ....same with dwarf frogs...):
i wanna have a terrarium with frogs and a large aquarium with EVERYTHING (everything that's compatible of course) including kuhlis :p someday. sorry about your bad luck and your wife not liking them; that sucks. how could she not like them? they look like little otters <(^,_,^)>

anyway, i'll stop hijacking this thread. sorry newbieb!
Clown loaches are neat, I have 5, and they make audiable clicking sounds when you feed them (very neat)

As for information, there is lots of information on filtration (which is a must) and cycling the tank in here, try to read up a bit.

I haven't kept cichlids, but I hear it can become a very interesting tank.

if you have any questions feel free to ask.
Welcome to AA all i have to say is read up on the NITRATES CYCLE if you dont you might not even start a fish tank just read up on it and make sure you understand it
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im right!!!!!!!! hooray for me im so happy :fadein: :mrgreen: :D !!!well its 7:22 where i am so i gotta be heading to the cafeteria for breakfast in a few min :(
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome!!

I just read the article by Tonya was excellent. I didn't know how the cycle worked, but I definitely have a good grip on it now.

As a rule of thumb, would you guys have any suggestions on the right way to start cycling for a 100 gallon tank? Most of the posts and articles that I have read are for smaller tanks and I would hate to make a vital mistake so early in the process.

Thanks again everyone!!! :lol:
Okay, thank you Jchilin.

Also, out of curiosity, when is the right time to introduce live plants into the mix??

Sorry for all of the newbie questions...I really appreciate your patience!!
well my little piece of advice add about 1/2 or 1/4 cup of PURE ammonia for the tank then wait about 2-4 weeks to let it cycle and test the water then it should be good but since im putting live plants in there so then i dont wave to worry too much about the cycle i dont know do what ever you think is best for you
[center:5f095c59e6] :smilecolros: Welcome to AA, newbieb!! :n00b: [/center:5f095c59e6]

Since you will be cycling you tank for a few weeks, that will allow you to read up on the fish you want and any plants that can go with them. I love my 80 gal Mbuna (from Lake Malawi) tank and all my other tanks have some sort of cichlid--either dwars from South America or Lake Tanganyika.
This is a wonderful site on cycling with ammonia:
This site also will tell you more than you ever wanted to know about Malawi cichlids:
Mongabay is an excellent reference on fish species--much more informative than sites trying to sell fish:

Another great place to look at fish is member's galleries, the Show Off and New Acquisitions forums. Take your time, that is a big tank and there is so much you can do with it!! Aside from deciding on fish, you will need to pick out a heating source and filter. Once the fish are decided on, substrate and decor need to be choosen.

Ask lots of questions and don't stop researching :D
We have some great planted tank members who would love to provide guidance in this area. Please post your question in the planted tank forum. You will be sure to get an answer there.

Wow you guys are really on the ball w/the expertise and advice.
I am so glad that I joined this forum...I cannot thank you enough for all of the advice.

The article on fishless cycling was very interested and seems a lot more efficient. I will most likely go that route if I can find a good source of pure Ammonia.

I was wondering, for a 100 gallon tank, should I use 2 heating elements?
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