fish in overflow!!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 5, 2009
South FL
Help please..1 fish in to get out without stressing more?Already turned it off, net wont fit by a long shot.Anyone>>>>>>
wow, I can't be the 1st person this happened to. Hiding really well, bought smallest net I could find.( 75g tank)I'm having no luck,tried food in net, anything else??
It`s happened to me a few times. I had on fish in there 5 months before I found him. The only think you can do is put your hand down the overflow and catch him with the net or as I did and catch him with your hand. It might stress him out but he`ll get over it in a few days when he realises where he is and where he was.
tHANKS Melosu..I drained the overflow, bent the net up and got him out..only to find the next morning in there again.Did it again, and third day's a charm.Hopefully stay out of there.Your pic is absolutely gorgeous.If you have a sec, whats your fave blenny?
Try using a soup ladel next time or a tube large enough to pass him through it with a siphon . Next cap the end of it with mesh tule (found at most craft stores ) and or you can use plastic canvis to cover it or egg crate a cage around it .. GL :D
If you have a sec, whats your fave blenny?

my Black sailfin blenny

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