Bronze Corys dying

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John h

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 26, 2011
Today I found one oft bronze cores on his side gasping. About an hour later a second one is doing the same. I can't see anything physically wrong with them apart from their behavior.

The tank is a mature community tank with gouramis, platies, blue neon tetras, bronze corys and some shrimp.

I did a water test and a 20% water change even though the results looked ok (ammonia-0, nitites-0,nitrates-40)

What could be wrong and can I save my corys?
Do another water change. You could have some aeration issues. But when you do the water change, let the water level drop 2 inches below it's original level.
Ok, did another water change. I can't drop the water level due to my filter outlet. I get pretty good surface agitation from my filter, but I have added a air stone on a separate pump for now, just in case.
I can't really add anything more, but I want to say good luck, and I hope your cories make it. I have four peppered cories, and I love them to death.

Courtesy of Dakota's iPod.
The first one that I found, looks pretty bad, just lying on his side with an occasional twitch. The second one seems to look a little better, but not 100%
Do another change first thing tomorrow. Hopefully they'll stick it out through the night.
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