Elephant nose possible ich

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 5, 2011
Hello everyone,
About 8 days ago I have noticed that my elephant nose has 3 white pecks on his left pectroral fin. I immediately isolated him to a hospital tank and began slowly raising the temperature. It has been 8 days and the spots are still there, but there are no additional symptoms appeared and the fish is doing fine (for elephant nose anyway) - hides most of the day, eats blood worms, even tried a shrimp pellet for the first time today.
I have had the fish for about 2 months. It shares a 105g custom tank with a couple of pictus, gouramis, platies, and a lone blood parrot along with a Potamotrygon Hystrix. No other fish seems to have any symptoms.
Did I misdiagnose ich? Can it be something else?

Tank parameters:
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate <5
Ph 7.4
Nothing was added to the tank in at least a month with the excepption of some new plants, but they were sold in silicone.
I use only homemade RO water produced out of a 6 stage filter.

Thanks in advance.
I thought it might be fungus, but it's not spreading and there are no wooly characteristics - the dots are perfectly round. They are larger that the ich I saw before, more like sugar as opposed to salt.
Water changes in the hospital tank are weekly at 50% as it's only 10g and not cycled. The big tank is weekly at 25%, since I can only make so many 32G buckets of RO water.
this should solve the problem. every three days squish a couple of pea's and give them whats inside. First let them get room temp. then give them the insides only not the skin. they can chock on the skin.

try doing cpr on a fish. hahaha that should solve the problem

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