New Betta covered in white fuzzy hair

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 3, 2003
Florida, USA
She did not have this when I brought her home, however I just noticed it last night and QT'd her imidiatly.

But the tail-half of her body is covered in this white, fuzzy hairlike growthes and she appears unable to use that half of her body.

I assume this is some kind of fungus, but I don't know how to treat it.

the only thing I have on hand is MelaFix, and some Maracyn if I am even able to find that.

Will either of these help her?
I figured it was a fungus, but she has no cuts or wounds.

and its like tiny white threads that are tightly together.

Should I do a saltwater dip?

I don't want to loose her, I've waited so long for a white female betta..
I'm sorry William. I was in the process of looking up some things for you., then you wrote your last post. I'm sorry.
Please, what is the information you had?

Should I need it in the future, because of my excitement over finding this beautiful little girl I neglected QT..and now fear for my other girls. :(
The only thing I could find that could be a possibility is cotton wool disease. Did she have any reddening? I was just looking some more and meds, of course, are all over the spectrum with a huge variety of possibilities. If it is this, it IS contagious. Perhaps Christmasfish has an idea? Possible remedies I found are Salt, Melafix, Methylene Blue, Murcurochrome, Argyrol, and Triple Sulfa. Personally, Melafix has never worked for me as far as fin problems go. The only time it may have worked I used it as a general med. But I think it wouldn't have mattered. One of my Bala's was having some sort of stroke, and it passed about a half hour after I QT'd him.
I'll have to keep a constant vigillance over my other girls, then.

as for salt dips, just for future reference.. What kind of salt should be used? Cause I have my Instant Ocean salt for my SW aquarium, is that a propper salt to use for FW salt dips?
We're very sorry about your lose. We recently lost a Mollie to the exact same thing. My wife even tried, don't gasp here, washing it off the poor fish but to no end. Our Mollie had it also all over her tail and it immobilized her. We put her in a hospital tank for a while but she still didn't make it. We want to be prepared also if this ever show up again. Again sorry about your lose.
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