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sorry its me, again,

all my tetra's have NTD now so im going to take them out, :-( its horrible the stomach are swollen with lumps and the can't swim correctly, pointing downwards, i seem to have bad luck with fish, BUT im not going to let it stop me from the great and sad hobby, i have got "protozin" that says it cures NTD, but i heard you cant. anyway my question is can other fish such as angel fish get NTD, i read some were they could? is this true? its horrible seeing 10 terta's dieing its suddenly got worse, when i added ANIT INTERNAL, for the other fish. :-( i feel as though i let them down,

so yeah can angel or other fish get NTD? i hope not.

p.s this website is great by reading other people's problems i have learnt so much, so quickly. SO cheers you people who run this site.


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Yes Cichlids such as Angelfish can get the disease and so do Cyprinids. And no there isnt any known cure for it other then getting them out and moving them to a hosiptal tank to isolate them from the other fish. I would start Euthanizing them if they appear to be stressed and in pain.

If you keep losing fish you may want to try some more hardy fish then neons.
well i got ride of my tetra's :-( so there is no fish in my tank that has NTD, if i got a angel fish for example or perhaps a new tetra, could they get the NTD from the water, if you now what i mean.?
If you get angel fish, you will not want neons, as they are the natural food source for adult angels. For small hardy fish, I really like the white cloud minnows.

could they get the NTD from the water, if you now what i mean.?
I know what you mean, but I don't know the answer. Let some time pass before adding new fish. Make sure this take is stable and all the fish are healthy.
oh well, well some good news my dad is going to the US and im going to try and get him to get some jungel stuff that u cant get in the UK, such as antibiotics for internal problems. is there any other great jungel stuff i should i ask him to get? ( that perhaps you know from using it yourself, and you know that its great stuff)

Well thanks for all your help.
I was reading up on diseases and came across this:
[url= said:
Animal-World[/url]]Neon Tetra Disease

Symptoms: Whitened areas deep into the fishes' flesh. Muscle degeneration leading to abnormal swimming movements.

So named for the fish it was first recognized on. It is caused by the sporozoa Plistophora hyphessobryconis. Even though it is named after Neon Tetras, it can appear on other fish. Whitish patches appear as if just below the skin. In Neon Tetras it destroys the bright blue-green neon stripe. The organisms form cysts which burst and release spores. The spores penetrate further and form more cysts. Eventually, the spores migrate to the water and are eaten by other fish in the food. These spores migrate into the digestive tract, then the muscles, and a new infection starts.
There is no known cure. It is best to destroy the infected fish and clean the aquarium.

Jungle parasite tablets are good, but my fishy medicine chest is filled with Seachem products that I bought while I lived in Canada.
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