Velvet treatment

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 13, 2009
I need a medication for velvet that wont kill my inverts. Ive been fighting this for a month with heat and it wont go away. It hasnt been getting worse but wont improve either--I might have misdiagnosed but the fish flash and there is a gold coloration around their gills but no other symptoms have surfaced since this started at the end of Feb/beginning of March. suggestions? thoughts?
Ammonia and Nitrite 0, Nitrate hovers around 10ppm. Its a 10 gallon tank, and Ive had the temperature at around 86-88 for 2 weeks now
well the disease is in the process of taking its first victim today after a month of heat treatment. One of my cory cats was floating listlessly around the tank and barely had the strength to move until he got sucked to the filter intake tube. I netted him out and stuck him in a small hospital bucket (dont have a tank for that yet since the new one is still cycling and I dont feel like risking an infection in my betta tank. I am taking all the ghost shrimp out and putting them in another bucket (they seem to handle it fine) and in the mean time I am giving in and treating the tank with medication. Im using Rid-Ich+. Contains Formaldehyde 4.26% (11.52% formalin) and zinc-free chloride with salt of malachite green. LEt me know if I should or shouldnt be using this but im dosing the tank now to avoid any more potential losses. Hopfully I can save the little guy that is struggling now. I am also doing a 50% water change before I treat the tank. I have a carbon filter in the filter box but its been in there for months so i doubt the carbon is any good still in it so should I even bother removing it since I know carbon filters can remove medication?
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