baby star fish

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 5, 2005
North Central Kentucky
This morning, after doing a pwc and sifting the cyno off the top of the sand...I came back in the room and found this tini little star fish about 2" off the sand bed on the glass. He is missing the two bottom legs, but SLOWLY dissappeared about 20 minutes later. He's about the size of a small pencil eraser, tan, like a sand sifting sea star??
Perhaps he came in with the couple of cups of LS that was scooped out of the LFS reef when I got the LR?
Very exciting morning! Wish I could've got a picture. Do they grow slowly?
The tank has been up since Mother's Day.....seems like he would've been bigger than that by now. Oh well, exciting just the same and wanted to share with someone who understands!
LOL! I know how you feel, I keep finding all kinds of stuff. That might be a nuisance star. I believe they can multiply pretty fast. If you can get a pic, I'm sure someone can ID it.
The color is right on, but his legs were a little longer and narrower. Deffinately not anything even close to a serpeant, though. Maybe mine is a little more mature than that pictured?
Perhaps. Their size and shape can vary greatly. The star in that pic may not be the same exact species but narrowing it down to a genus (Asterina sp.) would be as close as I can get and still feel I'm ID'ing it with any accuracy. And without a pic, it's still just a guess. :) HTH
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