Fuzzy Stuff

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 11, 2014
Good evening everyone,

Can someone please help me identify this fuzzy stuff on my live rock? I bought a couple pieces of coral from someone on Craigslist. The Xenia I bought was attached to the this rock, so he ended up giving me the whole rock, but there's this spongy like material on it. Soft to the touch, almost jelly like.ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1456367247.645119.jpg
ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1456367327.827960.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1456367359.494828.jpg

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Sponge,see the mouths at the top of the second picture.Good for filtering your water.

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Thanks Rick. Is there such things as bad sponges?

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No, but you may see die off due to there being different amounts of nutrients in the water column of his tank compared to yours.

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Definitely makes sense. His tank is 180 gallon, mine is 55.

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Does anybody know the name of the sponge?

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Thanks again to you guys for your help

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