30 Gallon Fully Aquascaped High tech tank

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 13, 2017
North West USA
This is my only tank.....

Did a planted tank 20 years ago. lost it when I moved and one thing-led to another.. Fast forward 20 years and finally putting together my dream tank.



Ok gonna add to my post here

These are my structures.

I used slate bathroom/kitchen tile from a tile store. They had a case of this stuff and sold it to me for a reasonable price

I used a my compound miter saw and a tile wheel to cut my pieces. That was a lot of work but worth it. Would recommend a wet tile saw but I wasn't going to buy one for this job.

As you can see here I added a piece to the bottom to hold back my substrate and protect the cave system for my featherfin catfish who is 6 inches. He needs space and caves. There is a hole in the back to allow access from bottom level to top levels


I made these structures using the slate tile and GE Silicone 1.. All pieces cured for a minimum of 48 hours.


Shower caddies were added to the top lvl and the mid lvl. These house stem plants and allow me to preserve my cave system

You can see above in my 1st post the top shelf corner shower caddie being used.

I was able to buy some fine mesh stainless steal screen to cover up any holes on the bottom of the caddie. This was to prevent substrate from falling out.

I filled the shower caddies with a small layer of aqaurium gravel then 2inches or so of Caribsea eco complete. I then added laterite clay and root tabs to the substrate and topped it off with more regular aquarium gravel

On the mid level shower caddie I zip tied some cholla logs to the front and then stuffed the cholla logs with christmas moss.....

I'm actually planning on swapping out my mid level Cabomba with Hygrophila polysperma next week. Really want more pinks reds behind my bonsai


Beamswork Quad Evo
Lumen: 5500
LEDs: 40x 3 watt
Config: 30x 10000K, 10x Actinic 460nm
2 Modes: All on or 2 rows. (***10 Hours All rows) Raised up 12 inches above water

CO2 Pressurized 24/7. Constant low rate then increased rate for light cycle. Added Cerges CO2 Reactor added at week 5. Goal is to have close to 30 ppm average
AND ... Liquid Carbon dosing to ensure no gaps in CO2 .

EI Fertlizing with fertilizers from Planted Aquarium Fertilizer
(*** This is a work in progress as I will be adapting)

I will paste my fert schedule later today for more reference. I have things dialed in now. But my fert schedule is on a different PC

PH 6.5 - 7.2
KH between 3 - 6
GH between 3 - 7
Nitrates about 5 ppm - 20 ppm

and Now we prune and try to make a few bucks back on ebay
Nice! I really like all the thought that has gone into the details here.

Funny thing is I shot from the hip the whole way through.

At 1st I wasn't going to do much. Wanted to add some flat spaces for rabbit snails to crawl across. Only was going to do some low light plants. This is a 20 year old tank and I gutted with fish and snails in place and re-purposed it on the fly. I did a planted aqaurium 20 yerars ago but lost it a move and 20 years later a layoff a couple nice vacations $250k in home remodels later.. here I am.

One thing led to another.. Shipped the 1st light I bought back and got a better one. Shipped that light back and got another better one again.

CO2 started with DIY Citric acid and a ceramic diffuser. But quickly moved up into full CO2 when I could not for the life of me get any consistency form DIY CO2. Bought 2 Fabco meter valves and realized those are poop and replaced them with 2 dakota valves. Then had to upgrade to a cerges reactor because I still was having CO2 issues and hair algae issues. The Cerges was the key because I have perfect flow throughout my tank by adding that 2nd filter /reactor

Which led me to realize my HOB filter was causing me CO2 and nutrient issues The biowheel degasses Co2 and carbon filtration removes nitrates micros etc..

I use to have a tile made garden box on top but upgraded those to shower caddies. That tile box was too heavy and didn't have the affect I was looking for. The shower caddie is exceeding expectations

I went from just going to spend $100 upgrade to $1000.. Once the bug re bit me I was helpless.

Basically nothing was well thought out. Everything was thought of after the fact and was all based off of internet inspirations and research

Couldn't be happier with my results. But nothing here was well planned. Almost everything was reaction to something else and then planned to fit
My Fertilizer Schedule

• Sunday **Water Change**
o Heavy 1/32 tsp Potassium Sulfate K2SO4
o 2 dropper Liquid Carbon
o 1/2 tsp Calcium Chloride ***
o 1/2 Teaspoon magnesium Sulfate ***(Epsom Salts)

• Monday
o Heavy 1/8 tsp Potassium Nitrate KNO3
o 1/32 tsp Potassium Sulfate K2SO4
o 1/2 of drop or (1/128 tsp) MonoPotassium Phosphate KH2PO4
o 2 dropper Liquid Carbon

• Tuesday
o Heavy 1/32 tsp CSM+B
o 2 dropper Liquid Carbon

• Wednesday
o Heavy 1/8 tsp Potassium Nitrate KNO3
o 1/32 tsp Potassium Sulfate K2SO4
o 1/2 of drop or (1/128 tsp) MonoPotassium Phosphate KH2PO4
o 2 dropper Liquid Carbon

• Thursday
o Heavy 1/32 tsp CSM+B
o 2 dropper Liquid Carbon

• Friday
o Heavy 1/8 tsp Potassium Nitrate KNO3
o 1/32 tsp Potassium Sulfate K2SO4
o 1/2 of drop or (1/128 tsp) MonoPotassium Phosphate KH2PO4
o 2 dropper Liquid Carbon

• Saturday
o Heavy 1/32 tsp CSM+B
o 2 dropper Liquid Carbon

All my fertilizers are powder form. I mix them individually in a glass of water and pour them around the tank.

All my Fertilizersare from Planted Aquarium Fertilizer - Home

I am not affiliated with them, that's just where I got them. Quick service affordable

*** accept the Calcium Chloride which I purchased from Ebay in the Beer Brewing Section. Epsom Salts can be purchased at any Drugstore or most shopping marts.

NOTE mix you ferts separately because some of them when mixed can bind and not be as useful.
Funny thing is I shot from the hip the whole way through.

At 1st I wasn't going to do much. Wanted to add some flat spaces for rabbit snails to crawl across. Only was going to do some low light plants. This is a 20 year old tank and I gutted with fish and snails in place and re-purposed it on the fly. I did a planted aqaurium 20 yerars ago but lost it a move and 20 years later a layoff a couple nice vacations $250k in home remodels later.. here I am.

One thing led to another.. Shipped the 1st light I bought back and got a better one. Shipped that light back and got another better one again.

CO2 started with DIY Citric acid and a ceramic diffuser. But quickly moved up into full CO2 when I could not for the life of me get any consistency form DIY CO2. Bought 2 Fabco meter valves and realized those are poop and replaced them with 2 dakota valves. Then had to upgrade to a cerges reactor because I still was having CO2 issues and hair algae issues. The Cerges was the key because I have perfect flow throughout my tank by adding that 2nd filter /reactor

Which led me to realize my HOB filter was causing me CO2 and nutrient issues The biowheel degasses Co2 and carbon filtration removes nitrates micros etc..

I use to have a tile made garden box on top but upgraded those to shower caddies. That tile box was too heavy and didn't have the affect I was looking for. The shower caddie is exceeding expectations

I went from just going to spend $100 upgrade to $1000.. Once the bug re bit me I was helpless.

Basically nothing was well thought out. Everything was thought of after the fact and was all based off of internet inspirations and research

Couldn't be happier with my results. But nothing here was well planned. Almost everything was reaction to something else and then planned to fit

That's my method too! (Well I do some planning but if I cost my plan I have a heart attack).
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