Is the lighting on my tank considered medium?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 18, 2006
In the sticky above "Guide to Ferilizing a Planted Tank" it states at the top that this is for medium to high light planted tanks. I am currently running an 1x55 watt retro fit from AH Supply with 6700K, which is just under 2 wpg; is this considered medium light? My tank is a 29 gallon. As the sticky goes on, medium light is referred to as 2.5 wpg. I just want to be sure that I'm dosing the right amount of ferts.

Yes, you're in the bottom end of the medium light category. stick to plants labeled as 'easy' and medium light...they'll do best in your setup.
If interested, Wizzard~Of~Ozz's scale for lumens/sq in would call it slightly more than moderate light. (12.13 lumens/sq in.) It is the equivalent of about 2.5wpg NO Flourescent. You'll need to maintain the targets in the fertilization sticky, but you should test and monitor your NO3 and PO4 levels before dosing. Most would agree that CO2 or Excel will help beat algae.

If you don't have it already, I think you should try to get R. rotundifolia and L. repens. Both will respond to dosing and recover quickly. Pretty, too. :)

(edited for clarity and grammar.)
Thank you so much, I just caught this. I do currently have 2 Ludwigia, Narrow Leaf, it is very pretty, one of my plants is beginning to get little green spots on the leaves.

I have all my ferts except the Plantex, I should get that early this week. I increased the yeast in my CO2 recipe and diffusing it into my tank via the Haggen Ladder and appear to be getting a lot more CO2. I was using an air stone prior to this change on Friday!

I ordered a pressurized system (Milwaukee all in one) and as soon as that gets here, I will be all set. I am a little apprehensive about the ferts, just afraid of getting algae worse than I already have.

As of this evening, these are my water parameter, I'm still learning but aren't my phosphates a little low? Could this be the reason for the algae?

PH 6.4
KH 5.0
GH 60
Nitrates 2.0
Phosphates 0.05

Thanks for all the advice, it's appreciated!
Both your Nitrates and Phosphates are low. I would dose your Nitrates up to 10 - 20 and your Phosphates up to 1.
Yes, I plan on adding Potassium too, I purchased Potassium Nitrate, Potassium Sulfate and I am waiting on the Plantex. I have Fleet Enema for Phosphates. Hopefully that will be all I'll need.

I am going to try and begin my dosing regimen this evening, if I don't get home too late.

Thanks again!
I'm glad you're getting everything together to make this tank a success, Linda. Get your macro levels in line (CO2 included) and you'll get your algae problems beat. Some of the best advice I've been given in this hobby is that lack of an essential nutrient is far more likely to cause algae than excess of a particular one.

Good luck,
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