Plant in lake

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 25, 2014
As I was walking around a lake in Florida I saw this plant:ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1397664264.922138.jpg
Is it an aquarium plant and if so what is it? Thanks
Not sure what plant it is but I would not get it for your aquarium. Most plants you find in the wild will contain some unwanted pests/diseases. Also that plant has been grown emersed and would probably need to change to a submersed form (if it has a submersed form).
It was only growing along the rim of the lake and was very close to the water, it was not at all in the grass
That looks like alternanthera philoxeroides aka alligator weed. It's primarily emergent but can live submersed, although I'm not sure if it can permanently. I kept some of this a few years back and I recall it being a bit buoyant from the large hollow stems. Found this photo on Flickr

Sent from Peabody's rabbit hole.
I'm a little doubtful that it is milkweed, but the leaves look so much like it is. Try breaking one off, and see if there is "milk"
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