Supply for low light tank

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 11, 2013
I already buy Seachem Flourish for my low light planted tank (0.7w/g).
I need to use it once or 2 time weekly?

I have a new tank, without fish (yet).

Do I need (really)?
Seachem Flourish Iron
Seachem Flourish Trace
Seachem Flourish Phosphorus
Seachem Flourish Nitrogen
Seachem Flourish Potassium

Somebody tried Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Leaf Zone or Tetra FloraPride as Seachem Flourish replacement (or adjustment)?

I guess I absolutely need to use some tabs for my crypts?

My plants:
Giant Vallisneria
Java Moss
Windelov's fern
Cryptocoryne wendtii
Moss ball

Want to buy Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Tropica’ and African Fern.

I like your plant selection!

I have or have or had in the past all of them except the moss balls.

In my experience, root tabs are not necessary. I started in my 100g (the one in the sig) with Flourish + Excel, and months later moved to the PPS Pro pack from Green Leaf Aquariums. I ended up with explosively growing crypts, lol - when I took them down to the LFS to pawn them off, I had well over 50 individual plants that had popped up in the last 6 months, some of which were very tall. If you want to put a lot of ferts in I would recommend another route as all those Seachem products will get pretty spendy.

Edit: The tank in question was lit by a single T5HO using a single 80w bulb based on the info in the Lighting an Aquarium with PAR instead of Watts thread. The tank was intended to be lower light but due to it only being 21" tall and having 3" of substrate, directly under the light (a Catalina) was quite a bit stronger than I had intended.
Green Leaf Aquariums ships to US only :(

Flourish Trace with 0.0032% of cooper won't kill any snail?
Try Planted Aquarium Fertilizer - , , , , Planted Aquarium Fertilizer - , ,

Leaf zone and florapride only contain potassium and iron and as such aren't a good substitute for a proper fertilizer.

If this is a low light tank you can look at adding seachem comprehensive if you wanted to stick with a commercial fert. If you are looking at medium / high lighting though the dry ferts are the way to go.
Do I need to add Seachem Iron with seachem comprehensive?

And how about Seachem Flourish Trace?

The comprehensive should have everything you need for plants that aren't root feeders. It however doesn't contain enough nutrients for fertilizing more than a low light tank.
I already buy Seachem Flourish for my low light planted tank (0.7w/g).
I need to use it once or 2 time weekly?

I have a new tank, without fish (yet).

Do I need (really)?
Seachem Flourish Iron
Seachem Flourish Trace
Seachem Flourish Phosphorus
Seachem Flourish Nitrogen
Seachem Flourish Potassium

Somebody tried Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Leaf Zone or Tetra FloraPride as Seachem Flourish replacement (or adjustment)?

I guess I absolutely need to use some tabs for my crypts?

My plants:
Giant Vallisneria
Java Moss
Windelov's fern
Cryptocoryne wendtii
Moss ball

Want to buy Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Tropica’ and African Fern.


With low light and the plants you have root tabs and Flourish Comprehensive used 1 or 2x weekly should work fine. Give the Val's root tabs along with your crypts. If you didn't have Giant Val's I'd suggest using liquid carbon but that will cause the Val's to melt. It would have done nicely for your other plants tho. I actually think using API Leaf Zone with the Flourish Comprehensive is a good idea because as already stated it is basically iron and potassium. Potassium deficiency is often a problem as time goes on in tanks that only use a liquid fert which is most micro nutrients. If you ever seen tiny pin holes starting in the leaves of your plants that is a potassium deficiency.
I have a Giant Val. In LFS they told me that it's better for low light tank.
I already have Flourish Comprehensive, so I'll just buy API Leaf Zone.

One more qustion, my light turn on at 12am and off at 23pm, is OK for Anubias?
Another question, I attach Windelov's fern to driftwood, do I need to wind round it for stay a pretty bush? In LFS they use a metal to attach it all together, but I removed it.
I used a cotton thread to create a bush, when the cotton will rot, the plant will be attached to driftwood, but all it part will go to all directions and cut the space for fish.

It's fine to run lights that long as long as you don't have algae issues. If you start having algae appear you will need to lower you photoperiod. Lower light tanks can often run lights longer without getting algae than higher light tanks.

You can trim the Wendilov to keep it the size and shape you want it. I trim mine as needed in my tanks.

Black Water Extract and Indian Almond leaves will add tannins to the water and it will lower the amount of light in the tank.
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