Which one of these two lights do you think would be best?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 20, 2005
taunton MA



it's for a 20gallon high

They are both the same wattage only one has a lunar light.

Is there any benefit in having no top on the tank and having the light hang above (if I get the first light I'll get the leg mounts and take off my glass top)

Or is it just a matter of preference?

I plan on keeping the following Low to moderate light plants:

Cladophora aegagropila
Java Moss
Java Fern
Rotala, Indica
Anubias Coffeefolia
Anubias Nana
Anubias Barteri
Borneo Fern
Crypt Wendtii

Of course that list is subject to change
I made it with the lights I have on the tank now in mind (2-15 watt regular bulbs) but I decided that it would be well worth it to invest in a better light bringing me from about 1.5 watts per gallon to 3.25 watts per gallon, I think my plants will be much happier and it will make everything alot easier.

also I plan on using the Hagen Nutrafin C02 fermentor I have heard some people say that I don't need c02 but I plan on having alot of plants so better safe the sorry, plus I hear they max out at around 20 gallons anyways.

Before you guys suggest building my own c02 or light fixtures, I'm not a do it yourselfer at all and I'd rather just buy something that works right instead of wasting time and money making stuff half ass (that's generally how things I make turn out :wink: )

So what do you think?

Lunar light is purely a matter of preference.

The Freswater Coralife comes with an all daylight bulb, and you'll need to replace the 50/50 bulb in the Current fixture to have comparable light.

Your plant list is good.

The CO2 system is debateable. Since you'd rather not DIY, how about using the Hagen and picking up some Flourish Excel as back up? If you dose Excel with the CO2 you'll likely do great.

Good luck, Matt.
I would recommend the Coralife fixture myself. As czcz says, you'd have to replace the dual 10K/460nm bulb with something that is better for live plants. There is a benefit to having a glass top on the tank in that it cuts down on evaporation and of course it keeps any fish from jumping out of the tank.

If you do get the new light fixture, I suggest that you do CO2 injection with the Hagen system (or Flourish Excel) as it has made a big difference for me and is easy to maintain. After you run out of the supplies that come with the Hagen system you can use yeast (brewer's for best results) and baking soda instead. I've found that a quarter teaspoon of each will do just fine. Of course with over 3wpg you can put in a lot of plants that you wouldn't otherwise consider. Check out the suggestions at the web site below:


You don't mention what kind of filter you have on the tank or what substrate you are using. A filter that splashes a lot will reduce the overall effectiveness of CO2 injection. When I switched from a Penguin BIO-Wheel 330 power filter to a Filstar xP1 canister filter (which disturbed the water surface a lot less) I noticed my plant growth almost doubled.

Almost all of the plants you mention (with the exception of the Cryptocoryne wendtii) don't get most of their nutrients through a subsurface root system so substrate isn't going to be as important. If you get some different plants then it might make sense to get a good plant substrate like Eco-Complete or Flourite.
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