two plants and 5 rummynosed tetras

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 12, 2004
Northern VA
Final catch: 5 rummynosed tetras and 2 Anubias barteri plants

I had a tough time deciding between a school of Julii Cories and the Rummynosed tetras, but my friend who works there said he talked to a local breeder who has a batch of really nice cories he'd like to sell in a few weeks, so I decided on the tetras. There were five so instead of splitting up the little school, all of them went into the bag :D I know these guys are healthy because the store's last shipment was about 2 weeks ago. Anyway, they are now swimming around happily in the 55 gallon.

Oh, but I gave the store my two Asian Suncats. I think they are the culprit behind the death of my Blue Ram :( I had seen them quarrel breifly, but hadn't thought anything of it. It wasn't my water because pH was 6.8, ammonia 0, nitrates 0 and nitrites 0. I double checked it with the store's test kits, just in case mine were screwy. *Sigh* He was one of my favorites.
thanks Jchillin, I was really hoping to use that male for spawning as well. I haven't seen a prettier one yet since I had bought him. I guess I've learned my lesson on thinking they were "just playing around."

On a happier note, I wish I had a camera to show off how cool these rummynosed tetras are... they are schooling all over the tank, it is so cool.
actually, I'm at a friend's apartment right now, and one of the guys has a digi camera... perhaps I'll have them up by tonight :D

btw, the guys just roll their eyes at me when I asked and told them why. hehe, they're great friends though!
I have five rummy's and they are awesome. I'd take some pics but they never stay still and I'm just not skilled enough with the camera to get a good one. Good luck with your new fishes. :D
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