Fish Only Quarentine?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 13, 2009
I have a 55 gal Fish Only tank, I would like to make it into kind of a quarentine for my reef tank inhabitants.

I heard from a buddy of mine that his friends have fish only that they add chemicals for disiese and stress. Then whenever a fish gets sick in there other tanks, they use that as a quarentine to treat the fish. Only thing is the fish that stay in the tank are constantly treated.

Any tips on what to add to the water for the fish? I think he said coppersolid or something was one of the things they put in. Or if its even a good idea?
I personally wouldn't do this,not only are they treating these fish with meds they are also passing on any desease's onto the fish causing even more stress!!
Ya I didnt think it sounded like a very good idea. I need to talk to and see the person who does it, Im sure thers things I dont know about.
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