Green Chromis injured

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 5, 2014
So I came home and noticed one of my fish caught in a power head but behind the propeller. He is alive but injured, some cuts and either in shock or just dying. Assuming he lives till tomorrow how can I treat his wounds so they don't become infected? For now I isolated him so that none of the crabs get him and he doesn't have to swim in the current. ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1399427720.773529.jpg
Well good news this morning, still alive and swimming actively again.
make sure hes eating and not being picked on by anyone, should heal with time just keep an eye out for signs of infection.
His only tank mates are some turbo snails, emerald crab, and one other Chromis who to the best I can tell was helping him stay off the bottom by very gently lifting him using his tail fin, until I isolated him. So hopefully he will be well taken care of. I let him out of isolation because he seemed dead set on getting back over to the other Chromis, when I woke up this morning.
Looking much better today after work. Just fed him and is eating. ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1399499508.289002.jpg
Yes he is looking better, just keep the water quality nice and he should heal up nicely.
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