lights and timers

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 17, 2004
Hi everyone. In a FOWLR setup, how long do the lights need to be on ?
Maybe lights on in the am. for 3-4 hours, off during the day and back on in the evening ?? Thanks again.
i run mine for 9 hrs because of the recent algae bloom i got with starting a new tank. you just want to have a routine with the lights, otherwise your fish my become stressed.
If you're trying to get your fish to spawn then 12 - 14 hours seems to be best. Other than that I don't really think it matters much.
Do you keep your tank in open sunlight during the day? Without the sunlight it would not hurt to keep them on for longer than the 3 hrs in morning and evening. Probably like the 9 hrs that Nels22 spoke about above. JMHO
You want to simulate natural conditions as closely as possible, and once you've decided on the period then stick to it, so try to give them 12 hours of artificial light per day - dont worry about natural light.

I have mine on between 2pm and 2am.
right now I have 302 watts on my 65gal. tank what I do is turn my arntic lights on once hour before I turn the 10,000K white lights on and let them run for about 14 hours...then I turn the 10,000K lights off leave the arntic lights on for an hour then turn them off and leave the moon lights on.
I'm going to correct the spelling of Actinic (instead or arntic) just to make any future searches easier. I'm terrible with spelling but it's good to know how to spell the key words ;)
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