Stocking Suggestions

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 16, 2014
Hi Everyone,

I'm looking for some suggestions on what to get next. Right now in my 90 gallon I have 90lbs of live rock, 1 clown and 5 chromis.

What should I get next? How many more fish can I get.

PS I have a reef ready tank with a sump and protein skimmer.

Is it going to be reef or fish-only?

I'm a big fan of dwarf angels. I'd also consider some kind of wrasse, a Kole or Tomini Tang and some kind of Hawk.
A mystery wrasse or a pistol shrimp along with a watchman goby would be a very interesting addition.
Engineer gobi there fun to watch , dwarf angels, wrasse, blue reef chromis not those blue green ones
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