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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 6, 2014
Hello all. I have been keeping freshwater aquariums since I was a teen. My wife and I decided to wade into the saltwater world as a family project for us and our kids.

We have a 75g with a Reef Octopus HOB skimmer and a canister filter (for now) ;) 60 lbs of Tonga live rock and 100 lbs of live sand, 2 Koralia ph, 2 48" Current USA LED marine fixtures.

The tank just finished cycling yesterday and has no residents (that I know of). Adding CUC soon.

Plans are for a couple of Ocellaris Clowns, and an anemone (I know, age the tank) for them. And a Yellow Tang, some softies and LPS....the rest is unknown.

Should be an interesting ride.

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