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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 24, 2014
Hey everyone im fairly new to the forum, this will be my first post but im pretty bored so I thought i'd introduce myself :p My name's Jordan, im 18 years old from Canada, I've been keeping fish for about 5 years now and its pretty safe to say the addiction is pretty strong now and things are getting more serious! :D With the help of a part time job I was able to invest quite a bit into my aquariums, I now have a 90gal african cichlid aquarium with a 30gal sump, and I am currently redoing my 40 gallon planted with a first time CO2 system! :) Also im going to be focusing my instagram account mainly on my aquariums and upcoming projects with the hobby so if any of you guys/girls would like to support that and hopefully get some insparation you can give me a follow @jordancwid and I'd be sure to follow you back to be able to see your aquariums! :) cheers everyone! I'm excited to be part of the community!
Welcome mate. Im just about to star my cichlids so i will add surely add u

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