can anyone name this type of filter/vacuum???

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 5, 2004
Front Royal VA
My father used to use a type of vacuum or filter that would clean the water so well it looked like the fish were swimming in air,
It consisted of a couple of tubes, a large glass mayo jar and a white powder media... the water would flow thru the media and it would catch EVERYTHING, then the water would flow back into the tank crystal clear, it was rather slow going but you could vacuum the gravel, plants and really do a great job cleaning the tank. it has been so many years now I cant even remember the looks of this thing, and he never taught me how to use it. I have inquired about it at a few of the lfs here and they just give me a blank stare... 8O

I dont know anything about it, if it was really a great product... or harmful... Im almost positive he made it himself... hence the BIG mayo jar... any ideas??? if it does work, anyone know how to make one? or can I buy one somewhere?
Thanks all...
Sounds like a diatom filter. It uses diatomaceous earth as a filter media...nothing much will make it through this media. Commercial offerings of this type filter include the System 1 and the Whisper Diatomagic. AFAIK, neither of these comes with a provision for a vacuum. Another option would be a HOT Magnum with the vacuum attachment and polishing cartfidge. I have one of these and it works quite well.
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