Fire if a pump runs dry?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 4, 2005
I'm waiting for a SCWD outflow device, and my sump/fuge is done.

I may be able to grab a used ultralife float switch from a local reefer in about a month when he breaks down his tank (don't want to pay $60 for a new one). I've measured everything out and my return pump in my sump will run dry before the tank overflows. While I'm waiting for the float switch - does anyone know what the likelihood of a pump running dry catching fire? I'm running a MAG 9.5?

Of course, I realize my siphon shouldn't break - I'm just afraid of a problem.

- Skins
There is no way a pump will run 100% dry unless you have it plumbed to suck right off the bottom. I have run may pumps down to the point where they don't pump water and I have never had one catch fire. Just not going to happen IMO.

You should be topping off every day so it should not reach the point of running that low.

Im not 100% sure what you mean by my sump will run dry before the tank overflows.??
Your tank and sump work together and the flow from the tank should match the flow from the sump back to the tank. If this does not match then you need to work this out before you move on..

When water evaporates the level in the tank should stay the same, the level in the sump will drop. Do you have something else going on??
Sorry. Yeah, I was unclear. I don't mean evaporation.

I mean if the siphon on my overflow breaks for any reason, my return pump will continue to pump water into my main filling my main but not draining out, thus draining my return chamber in my fuge and running my pump dry. I have about 8 gallons in my return chamber and I"m running my tank about 9-10 gallons low so if my siphon breaks the pump will run dry before my main will overflow.

Thanks for the opinion though. It does seem unlikely, although I guess it could happen.

- Skins
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