HOB overflow priming

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 28, 2009
I'm wondering how everyone else keeps their HOB overflow primed. I can get it started pretty easily but removing air when there's water in there doesnt seem tasty... Is it best to hook the airline to a power head in the tank or to the return pump in the sump? I was thinking of putting it on the return pump in the sump because if the power head malfunctions the box may not be primed so it will just overflow the tank. Are there other ways of keeping it primed? (other than an aqua lifter)
I'm wondering how everyone else keeps their HOB overflow primed. I can get it started pretty easily but removing air when there's water in there doesnt seem tasty... Is it best to hook the airline to a power head in the tank or to the return pump in the sump? I was thinking of putting it on the return pump in the sump because if the power head malfunctions the box may not be primed so it will just overflow the tank. Are there other ways of keeping it primed? (other than an aqua lifter)

Huh? I'm afraid I'm lost. What HOB are you using? If any of our's loses prime I just add water to the impeller chamber or if it's really bad, powercycle it once.
Not a HOB filter, a HOB overflow. I'm using one like this:

Doh! Sorry! :sorry:

The older I get the more I find these moments happening. lol
XD it happens to all of us. I think I'll just try using the return pump to draw out the air and see what happens.
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