My Aqueon filter and Hood

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 21, 2017
I set up my 10 gallon tank in my new place this past Saturday. Bought an Aqueon Quiet Flow 10 LED Pro filter. In General it is quiet but at times it seems to make a noise like a vibration or something. It usually stops when I touch it lightly. Then a few hours later, the noise re occurs and I repeat the process. Any ideas?

Also I purchased an Aqueon Deluxe Full hood with a Fluorescent light. Im using the bulb it came with and I have noticed that if I leave it on for a while, my fish seem to hang out near the top of the tank. When I turn it off, they go back to the bottom and start swimming around. Do I need to look for a lower output bulb?

I have 2 moillies and 2 platys
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