Swap from gravel to Sand

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 23, 2014
So I swapped out from the old rock gravel that's been in there for a really long time went and did a 90% water change transported the fish into a separate tank.
got the new sand in their now
ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1415296728.434528.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1415296775.918483.jpglet me know what you guys think.

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Looks good,did experience a mini-cycle after the swap?

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Not too much I talk to a local well-established store known as the
"wet spot" here in Portland and they just told me that it's not so much the issue with recycling the tank as the beneficial bacteria should be in the sponge in the filter.
It's more the ammonia and nitrites that will spike up when moving the The gravel around swapping out all the feces and everything that's down deep under it. That's why transported the fish out of it take and then ended up doing a 90% water just in case I did buy a bottle of Quickstart to get a little bit more of that beneficial bacteria in there just because I was putting them back in the same tank. But the lady at the fish store said that you could take a mesh bag he like cloth and take some of that gravel and put it in there and then throw that in the filter as well if you're worried about it.

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The bacteria should be in highest concentrations on surfaces that have water flowing near them. On top of that the high-quality, modern biological filter media has massive amounts of surface for the bacteria to cultivate. In theory, this means that more bacteria should be in the filter than the substrate.

Now, if you were using a UGF system the story would be different. Although, that probably wouldn't work with the sand anyway.

I have a feeling the whole "be careful not to disturb the gravel" thing is really a holdover from when most people were using UGFs.
I Did have underground filter as a circulation also had a marineland 350
Duel bio wheels as my main filter wanted too rid myself of the ugly and unstable UGF

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