Amazing website....850 gal reef

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I think there would be a lot of areas you would never be able to enjoy with that type of tank. I've seen it before, it's neat, but I'm not a big fan of the flat box design.
Yeah, I just discored that site about a week ago myself. I just spent hours on there looking at everything. Amazing. I just kept thinking....what if you had a massive ich outbreak or some other disease in that tank? ouch. Not to mention the $$$. But it's sure nice!
If only I had the $$$$.....ohhh the possibilities...but since I don't have the $$$ I took one of those photos and made into my screen wallpaper. Thanks!! it looks awesome!
Yeah the thing that struck me the most when I first saw that was the story of the worm. WHOAH! That's some worm!!
That's just retarded. Seriously... at that point... I would charge people for admissions. And what's the deal... I saw no recliners or bar stools in front of the viewing area! :evil: hahaha

If only I had the money.
RLG2182 said:
And what's the deal... I saw no recliners or bar stools in front of the viewing area! :evil: hahaha

That was the first thing I thought when I originally saw that site. What an incredible amount of time, money, and effort that must of gone into such a beautiful system. Then how does he display it? A hole in the wall in an empty room that it looks like no one ever uses - there's not even a counter rail under the tank frame or chairs or anything for that matter. Clearly he doesn't have much PT Barnum in his blood.
why are you guys worried about a ich outbreak. what about a waterchange or trying to catch fish for qt

but it a very nice tank mb more a headache
Nice tank and all, great setup, can't understand the excitment of making it as deep as a football field if you can only see it from a little hole in the front of what appears to be a walk in closet. However I must say that the worm... the worm is disturbing. I just can't stop looking at it.
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