Beginner Breeder

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 22, 2015
I'd love to start breeding fish, but I don't know where to begin. I've got another 10 gallon, in addition to my 75 gallon, that could be used if needed. I could use some suggestions on easy beginner fish to breed. I could also use some information on how to handle the fry after they've hatched. Any and all suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!
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The easiest fish to breed are livebearers ( guppies, mollies, swordtails and platys ). Just get however many you want but make sure to only get 1 male to every 2 or even better 3 females. And the fry what I fed mine was crushed up omega one flakes which is what I fed the adults. Platys and swordtails are the biggest at about 4 inches ( I think ) mollies are more medium sized at 3 inches and guppies are tiny like 1.5 inches. Hope this helps ?

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Guppies are the easiest to breed (in my experience, ive got a billion fry right now from one mating.) They are smaller than platies/mollies.
If you don't want livebearers, get a pair of convicts. Although they wouldn't work in a community setting, and they're to large for your 10gal. They breed like rabbits, so make sure you have a way to sell/give them away!

These are not fish, but cherry shrimp make great easy breeding creatures. You can get a good profit from em too!
For the tank make sure to use a sponge filter and NO substrate to make sure fry are protected. Heater if necessary. Remove the parents once the fry are free floating.


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Have a bare bottom tank with a sponge filter. My favourite easy to breed fish are cory cats, pearl gouramis, zebra danios, and of course, livebearers.

Aquariums make for a betta world. Wanna discus it?
Adding some fast growing plants like hornwort or anarcharis will help manage nitrates in between water changes
I use najas grass in as many breeding and fry tank as possible. A must for livebearers and awesome for cherry shrimp.

A nice breeding set up for a bigginer would be any small livebearer, cherry shrimp najas grass, some val and anubus.
I currently breed Endlers and a variety of neo shrimp. Just getting started with killies and my pair of scarlet badis was showing spawning behavior last night :flowers:
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