Feeding Fry

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 7, 2011
North Las Vegas, NV
How long do Molly fry need to be fed every 4-6 hrs?? They're 2, 3 & 4 weeks old.. They fly up to the water line when they see me now. :)
I don't want to Overfeed but they do scramble for food, eat quite vigorously and hunt and peck at the bottom throughout the day picking up any leftovers... Most of the 4 week olds are 1/2" and are quite healthy...
id say 3 feedings of adult-size potrions, fry and juvies eat LOADS.
raising fry just means loads more PWC and food.
its good they are that healthy, ur doing well. but eventually u need to slowly decrease the amount u feed so they get used to smaller adult feeds.
what do u feed out of curiosity?
From day 1.. TetraMin Plus Tropical Flakes..
( with natural shrimp for maximum flavor-- cleaner and clearer water formula ) -- so it says lol
I've crushed them up... And now I only break them up a little bit... There are 3 batches 65+/-
wow, congrats! :)
i found mollies and guppies liked tetramin fry stage 3 from the start as it was easier to eat and left less mess, so cleaner water. after a few weeks they went on to adult flakes like u use.
do u have sand or gravel in ur tank? x
i think what u r doing is best, so they can eat the food. all my fry were raised in a net or bare tank so they accessed the food better. but they are doing very well, and their tanks cute! great plant colours haha!
:) thank you... My first batches ever... Grateful for luck an this site... ( I use the iPhone app) ...
In the few hours after feeding all you see are lil tails in the air and faces buried in the rocks... Soooo loving it
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