looking to Add a pleco any ideas on types ?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 28, 2010
South Coast Australia
hey there, ive got a 30 g tank, in there already are 2 golden panchax's, 4 swordtails, 1 female molly, and a flying fox. just thinking of adding a pleco for a bit of difference, any ideas on some types. and pictures also preferably. wanting something with a darker texture to a common pleco.
Personally, I wouldn't add a pleco to a 30g tank. They grow big and fast and all they really do is add to the bioload (they poo, a lot).

Also, to be healthy, they need fresh food. There's a thread on here on feeding plecos. I'm sure if you search pleco you'll find it.
thanks, at least i think its a 30 g tank. its 115 -120 L im not sure if i got the conversion right. yea , i heard they grew big, but cause of their lifespan i thought it would b a gradual growth rather than a large stint and slow adulthood. also , is there any pleco's that anyone could think of that would fit in this size tank even at full size?
Agreed. Rubberlips or zebra ($$$$$$) are other options that stay small.
lda 08 is one of the smallest plecos i know off hand around. l260 Queen arabesque stays small... the more i think about this the more examples i have.
Prices and availablilty are different in Oz, but BN are the most common and least expensive option. If you look around long enough you could probably hook up with an L-333 or L-134. They're small species, very attractively patterned but not often visible. The L-134 are a bit more likely to be seen in general IME.
went to the LFS today to order a bristnose pleco. he said thats he can get in a bristlenose catfish but not a bristlenose pleco. any differences? i told him i'd order that and its coming about 1 inch long on the 2nd of july :)
flying fox (epalzeorhynchus kallopterus) the flying fox spends most of its time resting on the bottom or preferably on a broad leaved plant, or piece of bogwood. however , when it moves it can be lightning fast. when resting it tends to do so by extending its pectoral (chest) fins downwards and allowing the tips of these fins to take the weight of the front half of its body. Size ( up to 15 cm long) Food: most foods accepted , particularly vegetable based ones - including many species of algae but not thread types. C. Siamensis looks superficially like E. kallopterus but posses clear (as opposed to pigmented fins) , a single upper lip barber (as opposed to two ) and a different arrangement of nasal (rhynal ) lobes . as quoted from (the consise encylopedia of popular freshwater tropcial fish) by john dawes. ( its a good book) just search for the scientific name (Epalzeorhynchus Kallopterus) and you should find it. its a very peaceful fish :) it is related to the siamese algae eater i might also add. the scientific name for the siamese algae eater is (Crossocheilus siamensis) just so you can make sure your info is correct :)

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