Cube questions

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 8, 2013
Couple questions today:

I have a nano cube dlx. and its 12 gals.

I currently use pure clem and have to sponges in the back, do I need any other media to maintain a reef?

There are a whole lot of small white/clear bug looking things on my sponges, are they bad and if so how do i get rid of them?

Thank you.

Ill post pictures soon.
My ph is at a consistent 8.0 how can I get it up to the proper 8.2?
When I first started my tank it stayed at 7.8 for almost two weeks...then all the sudden jumped up to 8.2, I would say monitor it and be will probably come up
This tank has been set up for 5 years and its consistently been at 8.0
The bugs are a good thing (ampipods/copipods). What test kit are you using? Are you testing alk?
I test for everything, I have checked my alk regularly with a dip stick but I havent tested it in a drip stick, its always in good range. If the copipods are good why should I be testing alk?

Thank you
If I got copods in my tank do you think I would have them established them enough to have a green mandarin.
They are a difficult fish to keep because of their food requirements. Plus tank requirements is 30 gallons. I have seen them in smaller, doesn't mean they lived long. You would have to supplement the pod population.
What do you suggest with one clown fish in a 12 gallon?
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