Its so hot!!!

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Haha yea I usually end up with colds in summer because of our lunch room we set it to 16 degrees celcious the temp change isn't good for us
It snowed in the part of Texas I live in! I think it's about 15 (F)... Suppose to be back up to 60 tomorrow!
Sadly it does snow about an hour or so from here but I've never been... May need to do that!

If it were possible to ship you some snow I would.

My F/C conversion is rusty but it does sound hot down there. This Monday we (US mid-Atlantic VA) will have both the warmest and coolest temps for the week (2C and -14C).
Naaawwww cute little possum :)

I'm struggling keeping my tanks cool ATM, every day has been over 40.. And now I have a litter of 4 kittens and a sick mumma cat to care for too that I'm trying to keep cool... We need rain desperately here :(
Naaawwww cute little possum :)

I'm struggling keeping my tanks cool ATM, every day has been over 40.. And now I have a litter of 4 kittens and a sick mumma cat to care for too that I'm trying to keep cool... We need rain desperately here :(

I'm sorry to hear that - I hope you get cooler weather soon, and your kitties are ok.

I haven't seen my possum pal for awhile - hope he is ok.
I'm gonna struggle with keeping my tank cool soon I'm putting 800watt of metal halides over my tank

I really need lights for my plants, but can't bring myself to make the tank any hotter. Are you changing your type of lights? Will the metal halide be cooler? We use those lights at work :)
I got a 2ft t5ho over my tank right now it's a 4 ft tank the halides will increase the heat by 4-5 degrees but that's why I'm going to run some fans :) I will be able to grow any and all corals hopefully
I'm sorry to hear that - I hope you get cooler weather soon, and your kitties are ok.

I haven't seen my possum pal for awhile - hope he is ok.

Yes me too, I stayed up til 4.30am (then my youngest woke up at 5.30am) delivering these babies as mumma was not coping at all, my vet nursing training many years ago paid off.. She seems a little better today and is feeding her babies more so hopefully things are turning around, then I can dedicate some more time to my fish. I did find some to order some new cichlids though lol ;p they arrive next week. Always find time to order new fish.

Hope everyone stays cool today, looks like another hot one for us!!
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