Prime conditioner question

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jun 25, 2013
So I used to use Prime conditioner after my water changes but I haven't since like 2013 and I still have a big bottle of it that's half full and I want to start using it again. Would it be expired or does water conditioner last a while?

20g long Baby Shark tank
10g Betta
My guess is that it would be OK to complex ammonia and nitrite, but it may have lost its ability to dechlorinate. The polysulfites slowly oxidize to polysulfates in the presence of atmospheric oxygen. The polysulfatues will not reduce chlorine to chloride.

If there's no expiration date on it, I'd suggest getting a new bottle, just in case. It's not very expensive.
I actually looked into this at one point, when I had a fairly old bottle of Prime, and according to Seachem's support staff, "Prime is formulated to have a practical unlimited shelf life (i.e. practical within expected usage time frames, for example it's not likely someone would try to use a 20 year old bottle of Prime)." I ended up using the old bottle I had, and it was completely fine.
Smell it!
If it still has classic "prime" smell then good.
If it is not offensive(sulphur) smell odds are no good.
I have a chlorine test kit to test my prepped water when in question(pool stores have them).
I use SAFE(dry version of prime) and Seachem clearly warns of mixing up more then will be "quickly" used.
They also said it lacks a "preservative" that prime contains????
I use SAFE(dry version of prime) and Seachem clearly warns of mixing up more then will be "quickly" used.
They also said it lacks a "preservative" that prime contains????

Interesting. I just started using Safe, and was wondering if it could be premixed and stored, but I kind of assumed it couldn't be, for some reason. That is helpful to know - thanks!
Interesting. I just started using Safe, and was wondering if it could be premixed and stored, but I kind of assumed it couldn't be, for some reason. That is helpful to know - thanks!
I mix mine in a prime bottle so no light gets in and mix enough for 1-2 months of waterchanges.
Never had 1 issue ,as I mentioned I check with chlorine test kit.
The products work 100% in minutes!
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