RAOK Includes Shipping - Plants - USA*

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Site Team
Apr 4, 2012
Northern Colorado, USA
Drawing for random post number will be at 11:59 pm/midnight MT Wednesday May 20, 2015.

READ the rules below! Please don't get so excited about free plants that you forget to read this.

Random Kindness for someone needing basic low to mid light plants/ plant starts for a new (or existing tank).

Could be anything _ haven't decided as there will be some rescapes coming up.

Java Fern
Anubias Nana
Java Moss
misc other plants
10 Osmocote capsules
MTS if wanted / just ask if you win and want them

CARE and plant requirements - No co2. Moderate to occasional Ferts - substrate for root feeders and Flourish for water column feeding

FREE shipping to where ever USPS ships a flat rate box. Plants usually can not go to Hawaii* (you will qualify for a free rock) and some other states* are limited in some plants.

All plants are possible to get snails, Ramshorns, MTS or Pond (though I haven't seen any in those tanks)


Post a comment or thought for the day, or nothing even / your name (if you aren't feeling creative), and /or a pic of the tank you would want to put the plants in (NOT REQUIRED) just makes it more interesting to follow

1 time 1 post only...this is important because the post number in the upper right hand side will be your entry number.

1 time only, did I say 1 post only...

Please pay attention - If you have a question add it into your 1 post. You can PM me also but i have a pretty busy schedule so don't ask a question I already covered here.

Winner will be pm'd. Then the winners name will immediately be posted here on this thread. Check your threads/PM's the day of the 21st and send me by PM, your name and address which will be safe for plants to arrive at.

Will be mailed by Saturday after unless you need a different arrival time.

If no message in 24 yours I will pic a new one!

Do not post your address or phone number, etc on the thread.

Best fishes wishes from Colorado! :fish2:

Not the shrimp...


Free plants! Um, 6056 - um, hope they go to a good home (unfortunately not mine as too far away :( )

Erk, a comment.


roses are red, violets are blue.
my fish bounce around like kangaroo's :)

My thought of the day

Sent from my SCH-S968C using Aquarium Advice mobile app
I don't need any low light plants so I am not in it to win it, just want to say thanks for running a RAOK!
When life gives you a cookie, eat it! I would definitely love these plants for my puffer reshape coming up! And I'm sure he would love it as well. :D
Shocking only a couple responses, lol, odds of winning are pretty good!

Last day USA... free shipping low to mid light plants free! All free.

If you could use some plants check in.
“My daddy always told me to just do the best you knew how and tell the truth. He said there was nothin to set a man’s mind at ease like wakin up in the morning and not havin to decide who you were. And if you done somethin wrong just stand up and say you done it and say you’re sorry and get on with it. Don’t haul stuff around with you.” - NCFOM by Cormac McCarthy.

This hit home hard for me years ago. Best thing I've ever read.
“My daddy always told me to just do the best you knew how and tell the truth. He said there was nothin to set a man’s mind at ease like wakin up in the morning and not havin to decide who you were. And if you done somethin wrong just stand up and say you done it and say you’re sorry and get on with it. Don’t haul stuff around with you.” - NCFOM by Cormac McCarthy.

This hit home hard for me years ago. Best thing I've ever read.

Love it! That makes life more simple.
I am setting up my betta sorority tank and could use some low to mid light level plants. I dont have the nerve to go with hi light plants and the plants around here at the lfs are just plain sad looking. So, yep, I'm in it to win it, if I am in time!

Thanks. what a great nice thing to do. :)
Love it! That makes life more simple.

Really does. I was in a dark spot a few years ago and that quote really changed how I looked at things. Went from being drunk at the bar every night and neglecting myself, my home and my family. Now I am married with two daughters and life is completely different. I wouldn't change the past for nothing, but I'm glad I found who I am and have grown as a person.

Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
Sorry for the brief delay....

There were few entries and after the old fashioned method of writing names on slips of paper, all the entries were placed together and only one was selected!!!

The winner is.......................


Thank you to those who were brave enough to read the rules and enter!!!
Thanks so much! Just have to ask my mom what address to ship it to. Don't want anybody finding my home lol. I'll PM you Autumn, once my mom gets back.
So we have a little starts of all kinds of things...Couple kinds of Java Fern, Mixed moss unknown which kinds, a stem or two of rotalla, Crypt, Parrot Feather, a snip of Bolbitis. I don't even know what else is in there. It is like a jungle! I haven't got to rescape it all yet, but it is all low light to low-med. I have nothing fancy there just regular lights. So a fun assortment coming your way Nils..........FREE!
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