Recent content by mark5047

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. M

    Removing UGF in favor of a canister

    Well, I finally got the chance to remove the UGF - canister and UGF ran at the same time for about a month. I was very surprised by 2 things - 1, it was VERY easy to remove the UGF and 2. There was very little muck under the UGF. Actually, almost none! Which tells me I did a decent job...
  2. M

    Filstar XP3 setup

    Well, I have the filstar up and running. I had to turn down the flow a little bit in it. It was pushing my little fish all over the place. I am thinking this is going to move the water enough by itself. By the way, as a newbie to all of this, it was not hard at all to install and get up and...
  3. M

    Filstar XP3 setup

    Dorian, Thanks for the reply. I wasn't planning on adding any other powerhead with this. Is that something I should consider or would this be sufficent. Might help if I mentioned what was in the tank 2 Koi Angels 2 Gold Gorami 6 neon 1 danio 1 molly 1 pleco Mark
  4. M

    Filstar XP3 setup

    Hi! I did try and do a search for this before posting, so sorry if this is already posted somewhere. I am going to be setting up an XP3 canister filter. I had 2 questions about the setup. My tank is a 55 gallon long. Should I try and run the intake and outlet tubes on opposite sides of the...
  5. M

    Removing UGF in favor of a canister

    Thanks everyone! My fish are doing fantastic and i dont want to mess that up by making a mistake. I will run them concurrently for a few weeks then pull the tubes from the UGF. I will eventually remove the plates because I cant see any benefit to leaving them. Baby steps! Thanks again. Great...
  6. M

    Removing UGF in favor of a canister

    Hi! I saw some other posts about removing a UGF, I decided that would be best for me to do but I was not clear on one point - during the process of converting to the canister do I leave the UGF running at the same time until the canister has an opportunity to build up a new bacteria bed? Or will...
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